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Felting: supplies for wet felting, needle felting & knitted felting
BFF carries a large supply of 100% wool top and roving, mostly Merino, dyed and natural colors.
All are sold by the ounce for your convenience.100% wool top and roving in dyed and natural colors.

Current colors of Merino wool top

Felting needles, Needle holders, Flash, Kits

Needle felted "eggs" with embellishment

Needle felt embellishment on wet felted vessels (made around balls)
Wet Felted Scarves by two felters who have taught here in the past:
On the right is a very early Polly Stirling scarf.
Gail Loveland of Feathertree Felt (Palmyra, NY)
Knitted Felt:
With wool yarn, knit an item very large with large needles, then run it through several cycles of washer to felt! Magic!

Fiber Trends makes great patterns for knitted felt items.
I carry many of these patterns.

Two of my favorite knitted felt, big bags.
The yarns do the striping. Right side bag holds all my music, stand, and then some when I rehearse or play in concerts.
I would be pleased to help anyone make one of these. Just ask!
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